What is the meaning of monday blues.........?
Monday can be miserable. It is the first day of the week;
Functionally, however, it has turned to be the first working day for many people if they are employees and students (unfortunately!). Monday morning feeling is the way people feel after the weekend (Saturday and Sunday) when they do not want to go to work or school and standed with that Monday morning feeling.

→ So the meaning of MONDAY in English cuture is associated with such connotions as:
2. being late in guessing
3. the cooling of tempers
4. unwanted arrival
5. being mundane
6. failing
→ And the meaning of BLUE in English cuture is associated with such connotions as:
1. cold
2. wasting your efforts
3. being unexpected
4. being rare
5. annoyance
6. sadness
7. difficult life or bad luck in love8. physical or unskilled work
To put all these together, we can define MONDAY BLUES as:
"The low-spirited, cool, annoyed, sad, unlucky mood of those workers, students, or employees who feel that a mundane, difficult, unexpected Weekday is arriving to force them into going back to work, killing their joys and annoying them."
All this was a discriptive approach. Prescriptively, however, I think we’d better look at Monday as a day to start:

1. feeling energetically,
2. working with high spirits,
3. helping others,
4. planning a successful day,
5. designing a fruitful week,
What Causes Early Morning Depression?
At some point in life, depression hits many people. But within the general realm of depression is an acute, more obscure condition--early morning depression, which occurs immediately after awaking in the morning. Some people claim to have no explanation, stating, "It comes from out of nowhere." Still, many have admitted to several underlying reasons.
How to Beat the Monday Morning Blues
There's actually a scientific explanation behind those dreaded Monday morning blues. Our internal clocks naturally operate on a day that is longer than 24 hours. By the time Monday rolls around each week, we've built up a sleep deficit of at least an hour. Of course, the weekend revelries and facing another work week don't help matters. Here are some tips to make Monday mornings a little easier• If you can, sleep in an extra hour on Monday mornings. Going to bed early on Sunday night doesn't always help because most people will remain awake until their usual bedtime.
• If you can't sleep in by a full hour (and most of us can't), take action Sunday night to shorten your morning preparation time so that you can set the alarm for 15 minutes later than usual. Wash your hair, pack lunches, lay out your outfit or pack your briefcase on Sunday night.
• Hop out of bed the moment you wake up on Monday morning. Lingering in that downy comforter will only draw out the agony.
• End your shower with a jolt of cold water to tear yourself out of your grogginess. Or exercise in the morning to get your blood pumping and to release those feel-good endorphins.
• Get out in the sunlight. Bright light tells your body that it is indeed the morning and helps reset your internal clock.
• Drink coffee or another caffeine beverage. Although it's not healthy to drink caffeine to the point of addiction, caffeine, when used in moderation, can give your Monday mornings that much-needed oomph and alertness.
• Anticipate your Monday morning on Friday afternoon. Fight the temptation to race away from a messy desk. Clean up your desk and leave yourself a to-do list to make Monday morning a little more tolerable.
How to Combat Morning Depression
Visit your physician. Tell him all the symptoms you are experiencing and that you are feeling more depressed during the morning hours. He can prescribe one of many antidepressants to help your condition. It usually takes about two weeks for antidepressants to begin working, as you must maintain a certain level of these drugs in your body in order to feel results, and this is not achieved immediately.
Take your antidepressant exactly as prescribed and at the same time each day to reach appropriate blood serum levels only if necessary or by your doctor's prescription. Beat the depression feelings in your mind.
Buy a bottle of lavender essential oil at a health food store. It is believed that lavender oil naturally calms and relaxes the body, reducing stress, anxiety, and depression. Breathe in a small amount of this aroma, a few times throughout the day.
Avoid caffeine, alcohol and fatty foods, especially before going to bed at night. These are stimulants, which prevent a proper night's sleep and increase anxiety and depression.
Get at least 8 hours of sleep per night. During sleep, your body repairs damage and strengthens the immune system. Not getting enough sleep can make depression worse.
Talk therapy is recommended by many physicians for morning depression. Talking to a friend, relative, or therapist can help you determine what is causing your symptoms so that you may eliminate the problem.
Monday is the starter of the week and you start continuing to settle your work on what is left from the previous week. Making it a good start with a good mood is necessary or lese you may stay miserable the entire day. Hopefully some of the ideas shared above my work well for us on how to stay having a Monday smile even it may be not the sam smile that we may have on Friday (moving towards the weekend). But hopefully it will do and help us in pushing aways all the Monday Blues in us.
So have a nice week ahead with a good MONDAY :-)
suke bace.. like!like!
Thank you Cik Syida. Really glad that u love reading it. Hope I can write and share more good things with you here. Keep reading wilya. And have a nice day ahead :-)
Monday blues ??? very interesting :) ... it reminds me with the song still got the blues... wowwww.. my fav song.. hehehe
Mondays can always be blues unless you add in some colours to it. Put on your best make up and you can always be posh on Monday. Its your choice. I sincerely think its worth to make yourself beautiful and so as your Monday. Life is so beautiful to endure lovelies. ๐๐๐
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