There is an old proverb that says “Sometimes silence is the best answer.”
Saying Nothing... Sometimes says the Most. There are times when silence is the loudest voice and it's the best answer to the stupid. This does not mean to ignore all the stupid ppl around us cause if it does that means that only us would be talking to each other would actually just be invisible to us.
Our society now is getting louder and louder. People are increasingly talking about almost everything and nothing all the time with little relief. We can’t turn on the TV without being inundated by talking heads talking over each other…politics, business, sports, celebrities, court cases. So instead of turning on the radio: politics, business, sports, celebrities, court cases and etc, with a little music thrown in there, or ellse we might have options not have to turn on the tv or radio. Instead, we can just go online! We’ll may find plenty of people sounding off on every subject imaginable.

And obviously, I am not suggesting that talking is wrong. But some situations do require it, but there is a balance to be found. I am talking about the wisdom of speaking carefully and thoughtfully and the discipline of silence by knowing when to talk and when the right time to be silent.
That is why said “Sometimes silence is the best answer.” Silence is generally something we try to avoid. We aren’t comfortable with it. Think about the awkward silences we’ve each encountered and how often our response is to say something. We have a need to break the silence and perhaps too often we ignore the actual need FOR silence.
Silence will save me from being wrong, but it will also deprive me of the possibility of being right. It’s better to keep one’s mouth shut and be thought a fool rather than open it and resolve all doubt. The most profound statements are often said in silence. Still waters run deep. Silence is golden when we can’t think of a good answer. On the other state, true silence is also the rest of the mind; it is to the spirit what sleep is to the body, nourishment and refreshment.
When someone can’t understand our SILENCE, they can’t understand our WORDS. When we know our arguing would have hurt many, silence would represent the best option. When we would like to express more than words then our silence says everything that words would not have....
When loads and loads of things going on your mind better remain Silent to let your Heart Speak.......
You say it best when you say nothing at all…
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