
Can men be a good or better housewives..the same level as women do? Well…in much better and appropriate term they can also be known as…househusband? Can they manage the household and the kids well as moms used to do? Can they be a most adourable and loving dad? Can they handle such messy fussy things around the house with the active kids around? Can the handle the stress? Let us see….
Housewife or Househusband...the homemaker... 
The term homemaker is used in preference to either housewife or househusband because it is inclusive, defines the role in terms of activities, rather than relation to another, and is independent of marital status. The terms (informal) stay-at-home mom and stay-at-home dad are also used, particularly if the person views their central role as caring for children. The euphemistic term "domestic engineer" has gone out of favor, being seen by some as satirical, as if to give a sense of mock dignity to a role held in low esteem.
Traditionally the role of "homemaker" has been filled predominantly by women. Even to this day, homemaking is perceived by most societies as the "natural" role for women. In recent years there has been some political and societal backlash against feminist criticism on traditional roles for women.
Male role in homemaking
Househusbands or Stay at home dads are seen in increasing numbers in our recent culture since the late 20th century. There are several reasons why there has been an increase in househusbands over the past few years.
Women are progressing into higher paying jobs. There are now financial ramifications in deciding which parent is to become the stay-at-home parent. In some cases the woman is now the higher-paid parent, so it makes more economic sense for her to continue to work while the male stays home. Even in our IPTA domain rates domestically has shown that it’s most contributed by 70% of female students. What does this means?
The idea of fixed gender roles has become less prominent in the modern world of the recent years, allowing men to make their own choice of career, regardless of what used to be a requirement for them. The men who choose this role, may do so because they enjoy being an active part of their children's lives and do not want to be away from the family as much as their fathers may have been. Families vary widely in terms of how household chores are divided.
Is coffee better made by Men?
With the trend of more dads staying home from work to raise the children and maintain the household, it has been determined that there are certain advantages men have over women in the area of domestic management.
The first and most obvious advantage we have in the home is our ability to tolerate odors. It is undeniable that men smell bad. Since the miraculous sprouting of those first curly hairs on our chests, the chemical mixture that made us men emitted odors both pungent and powerful. Body odor rapidly became a part of our lives and no amount of deodorant could change it.
Eventually, we got used to smelling. We grew proud of the odors we could inflict on others. Then we became fathers.
Women, on the other hand, smell nice. They don't sweat, they glow. Their hair "smells terrific." Surrounded closely by themselves, their noses grew used to the sweet bouquet of femininity. In addition, when they became pregnant, a strange transformation took place. Their sense of smell became super-human. They could detect a bad odour from across the room and get violently ill at the smell of a smelly sock three miles away.
Into the Parenting Industry...
Parenting involves more scents than any industry outside a perfumery. While some are delightful, most are dreadful. It is truly amazing how something so sweet and small as a baby can create something so noxious as a dirty diaper. This is why a man can step in where a woman fears to tread. With her "supernose" still active after the birth, a woman cannot stand a soiled diaper. If she smells one, everything must stop until it is disposed of. There is no higher priority than the destruction of that vile, offending odor.
As for men, on the other hand, they understand the offense for what it is: something that belongs somewhere on the list of things to be dealt with. While leaving the smelly thing on the baby for a long period of time would be neglectful and harmful, there might be other things that are more pressing. In due time, we'll change the diaper and maybe open a window if it warrants it. We might be in the middle of spacing spark plugs or welding a pipe. We might be reading a book to our older kids or be elbow deep in meatloaf. We might be taking a well earned rest and simply need to put our feet up for five lousy minutes and can't they just leave us alone for one second, thank you very much!
We prioritize the need to change diaper, finish what we were doing, and then address the odor issue when its time comes.
What is a Househusband?
A married man who manages the household as his main occupation and whose wife usually earns the family income outdoor. Most men would see themselves as the major wage earner in their family. Thankfully, to some wives, who has a career of her own and is able to support her family on her money alone… and yet to lean her trust on her man to run the household in his own manly & creativity ways. Parenting job could be more challenging nowadays in both ways for both men and women.
Can men cope to take care the house?
If women can just go out and work, earning the living for the family, why cant men be in the house and still be the leader to runs the family? I should say ‘not’. Nothing could change much with being who we are. Nevertheless what we are doing, we still can be who we want to be. Men can still rule the family even though he decides to stay in as only a househusband. Sharing responsibility and processes make life more challenging, creative, innovative and beautiful. Both man and woman share same responsibility to the upbringing of the family no matters which position one choose to hold. Its the role and contributions that matters most and need to be appreciated by both sides.

The term homemaker is used in preference to either housewife or househusband because it is inclusive, defines the role in terms of activities, rather than relation to another, and is independent of marital status. The terms (informal) stay-at-home mom and stay-at-home dad are also used, particularly if the person views their central role as caring for children. The euphemistic term "domestic engineer" has gone out of favor, being seen by some as satirical, as if to give a sense of mock dignity to a role held in low esteem.

Male role in homemaking

Househusbands or Stay at home dads are seen in increasing numbers in our recent culture since the late 20th century. There are several reasons why there has been an increase in househusbands over the past few years.
Women are progressing into higher paying jobs. There are now financial ramifications in deciding which parent is to become the stay-at-home parent. In some cases the woman is now the higher-paid parent, so it makes more economic sense for her to continue to work while the male stays home. Even in our IPTA domain rates domestically has shown that it’s most contributed by 70% of female students. What does this means?

Is coffee better made by Men?

The first and most obvious advantage we have in the home is our ability to tolerate odors. It is undeniable that men smell bad. Since the miraculous sprouting of those first curly hairs on our chests, the chemical mixture that made us men emitted odors both pungent and powerful. Body odor rapidly became a part of our lives and no amount of deodorant could change it.

Women, on the other hand, smell nice. They don't sweat, they glow. Their hair "smells terrific." Surrounded closely by themselves, their noses grew used to the sweet bouquet of femininity. In addition, when they became pregnant, a strange transformation took place. Their sense of smell became super-human. They could detect a bad odour from across the room and get violently ill at the smell of a smelly sock three miles away.
Into the Parenting Industry...

Parenting involves more scents than any industry outside a perfumery. While some are delightful, most are dreadful. It is truly amazing how something so sweet and small as a baby can create something so noxious as a dirty diaper. This is why a man can step in where a woman fears to tread. With her "supernose" still active after the birth, a woman cannot stand a soiled diaper. If she smells one, everything must stop until it is disposed of. There is no higher priority than the destruction of that vile, offending odor.

What is a Househusband?
A married man who manages the household as his main occupation and whose wife usually earns the family income outdoor. Most men would see themselves as the major wage earner in their family. Thankfully, to some wives, who has a career of her own and is able to support her family on her money alone… and yet to lean her trust on her man to run the household in his own manly & creativity ways. Parenting job could be more challenging nowadays in both ways for both men and women.

If women can just go out and work, earning the living for the family, why cant men be in the house and still be the leader to runs the family? I should say ‘not’. Nothing could change much with being who we are. Nevertheless what we are doing, we still can be who we want to be. Men can still rule the family even though he decides to stay in as only a househusband. Sharing responsibility and processes make life more challenging, creative, innovative and beautiful. Both man and woman share same responsibility to the upbringing of the family no matters which position one choose to hold. Its the role and contributions that matters most and need to be appreciated by both sides.
Parenting is the job of both. Its the responsible of both equally in the upbringging your juniors in your own hand. Segregate the jobs or task between both of you the adults in the house...and I believe the parenting ship can be in good hand and manners. Men & women should compliment each other in whatever of their doings. Nothing can be so big and nothing could be so small. Both gender plays important part..no matter which side you are leaning on... outdoor or indoor. What matters most is your best understanding with your partner. She can be at field earning for the family while he can be domestically in the house taking care the household. I dont think the position will change us of being what we actually are. Sometimes, by using own gender touch and skills will make the job more creatively managed.

Just learn to appreciate others so they will learn to apreciate you the same.

Sharing of doing things together with your love ones does make your challenging life more beautifully crafted.

Everything I do.. I do it for you... I do it for our LOVE!
I thank GOD for letting me see things in good ways...and apreciate them tru my best ways...
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