Are these contradictions in terms?
Can a woman be truly feminine, rejoice in her sexuality and in her power?
Can a woman be truly feminine, rejoice in her sexuality and in her power?
What is true woman's power anyway?

So, what does a powerful woman look like?A powerful woman really lives her life in joy, peace, love and light. She fully expresses herself and totally accepts herself as she is. A powerful woman also knows the source of her power. She is connected at a cellular level to a power that is greater than her own. A powerful woman
embodies the confidence and security that comes from surrendering to Divine Wisdom at the deepest level. What does that mean? Women who openly display their power, knowledge, and skill, receiving public recognition and honor. Research validates that women possess dynamic, collaborative management and leadership skills. Young women are starting to defy external pressures and choose allegiance to their inner voice. Women, unified, can change the world.
Historically women’s power has been belittled by a society dominated by men and the male principle. We have to go back to pre-history to find the roots of feminine wisdom and power. Now, as we are entering the New Era, commonly known as the Aquarian Age, women are beginning to reconnect to their true feminine power. That power is very different from male power. Women have intuitive understanding that guides them to see the simplest solutions to problems that men often find impossible. This is not in anyway meant to demean men, but to help women come to embrace the beauty of their thinking processes, and hopefully, for men to come to rely more on the feminine aspects of their own problem solving process.
Women-power on the riseDespite growing numbers in the workforce, women still continue to face prejudice, disadvantage, bias and discrimination. However, it is just possible that things could change dramatically in the foreseeable future. Some recent statistics, are suggesting that change is coming. As more women advance into the top echelons of management, and others start their own businesses, women themselves are opening doors for other women to reach their full potential. The long established pattern of discrimination against women is being broken. At the same time, as the number women breaking the glass ceiling increases, people who resist opportunities for women will progressively be outnumbered.
Women’s style is just right
There is also the issue of management styles. Women favour democratic, participative, interactional and relational styles. It’s a great generalisation, but mostly, women are better communicators - even across international barriers. They use their verbal skills to deal with emotions and act upon their emotions more consistently. Being an excellent communicator today is more important than ever before because of the shape of modern work and the modern workplace. With changing attitudes and proactive action by women, women power is on the rise.

Men and women continue to be confused about who they are and what their respective roles should be. Men feel they have to adopt a more sensitive persona to suit today's woman, while women privately complain about the lack of men with backbone. And women feel they have to adopt a very free-spirited attitude towards the physical side of life in order to prove they have thrown off the yoke of masculine repression, in order to assert their equality. Our inner voice whispers dignity, privacy, a desire to be appreciated for our inner beauty, a sense of self-respect.
The external pressures are strong. It takes courage to speak up. It takes that powerful sisterhood. All that's left are the other women, her female friends, that powerful sisterhood. Those girls who are also hurt and wounded by 'friendships with benefits' (whose?) and hook-ups. Those girls who have a strong sense of their own worth and won't allow someone to trample upon it. Those girls with a clear sense of morality and vision. Those girls with a sense of dignity who see "girls gone wild" not as an expression of liberation but as a further entrapment. Those girls who think 'waiting until you get married' is principled and beautiful, not old-fashioned and foolish. Those girls who find the alienation from self too psychically painful. And the reward too ephemeral. Those girls with self-esteem and confidence. Those girls who value the purity and privacy of their souls.
It's a confusing world out there. With so many conflicting messages, it requires introspection and self-awareness to be truly liberated, to be someone who dares to be different, who is a true non-conformist. Sisterhood is powerful. It can be used to destroy. And it can be used to reverse the tide of misguided and alienating behaviors. If women really want power, taking control of their identities and their relationships is a good place to start. (Today's most 'liberated' women are actually letting men dictate who they should be.) It's a big job. There is a lot of pressure the other way. But if we really believe in this feminine power, if we really want to arm our daughters to face the world, then we have to let them know they can do it, they can fight for what they believe in. And they can win, with their mothers right behind them cheering them on.
The Woman of Valor, Virtue and Wisdom
Our culture historically has held that women should be most powerful in traditional roles that foster the growth of others such as mothering, nursing, teaching, etc. Most positions of social and financial power are still held by men. Many women fear if they use the traditional power models which are hierarchical, self aggrandizing, controlling, dominating, and potentially destructive, they will be abandoned by friends and family, and frowned on by the culture at large. Most women would be more comfortable wielding power if they believed they were enhancing the power of other people while simultaneously increasing their own power. This mutually empowering model is not how the majority of the world has defined power.
Feminine Power
Women’s views and concepts of power have not been taken into account in most studies of power. It seems important that women keep examining a feminine definition of power that is collaborative, nurturing and affects positive change in self and others. Many women would prefer to feel powerless and inadequate than risk the consequences of being seen as selfish or dominating.
Fiscal Power
Many women believe they have power in their lives yet have no legitimate socially or economic power, leaving them vulnerable as they age. They become caught in unhealthy or even abusive relationships because they cannot independently support themselves. Women are also often the caregivers for husbands who become ill in later years. Then, when their husband passes, they are left with limited or no financial knowledge or resources for their remaining years.
Healthy Power
It is important that women recognize the need to use their natural powers as they grow and mature. We need to help each other to understand and create a cultural awareness of a new definition of power that is collaborative, mutually empowering and enhancing. This kind of power, used in the context of the culture and world, would look for win-win relational solutions rather than domineering and destructive interventions. As leaders women require a “competent self,” assertiveness and a willingness to speak up, a desire to create positive change, and a wide support network.
Women, Power & Peace
The point is ... women see things differently, do things differently and are affected by things differently than men. And another point is ... women see things differently. So they do things differently. Women deal with things differently than men. Today I put before you death and life. Choose life. Who is better in religion the prophet teaches in the Al-Quran than those who surrender their purpose to God while doing good to human kind. In fighting there is no wisdom. It is only fools that fight to win and make the other loose. Is there such a win-win consideration? If there is, the memorandum of peace will be the wisdom answer. But if it’s true all religions seek the God of life, it’s also true life giving, not death dealing, has always been the particular province of women. It is women that born the sons who are sent to war, its women who have buried the men on who their very lives are dependent. It is women who have been left alone. Babies in their arms. Babies in their bellies. To deal with a madness that comes from the madness of war. Indeed women have a place to fill and a stake to claim and a role to play in the world’s pursuit of peace. It’s time for women to take as much responsibility for maintaining the life of the world as they do for burying the life of the world. We must give our hearts to constructing the future, to speak of peace.
Helping you live the life you really wantHow different would your life be if you had the courage, determination and confidence to overcome your fears and self-doubt?
Would you take more risks? Create healthier relationships?
Would you feel happier if you could make better choices?
Many women today feel that their life is constantly in fast-forward mode –juggling careers, family and personal time. This hectic paced modern lifestyle leaves little or no time to focus on personal issues and growth. Some women truly do have more control over their lives—some gender roles have broken down and some women have more career and life options than in the past. Yet at the same time, the options for other women have not expanded. Domestic violence is still an unfortunate reality for women in all cultures, and women still make significantly less money than men in all cultures.
As women, we have the tendency to take care of everybody else before ourselves. I do. And those are what I used to do most of the time. Women often have dreams but sometimes hesitate to take action for fear of failure or because we just do not know where to begin. The goal of this article is to help myself… and more of other women out there to look at things in a different light - that it is alright for us to think of ourselves for a change, that it is important for us to dream BIG. This article is meant to help women discover the POWER within ourselves and use that POWER to acheive our DREAMS.

Historically women’s power has been belittled by a society dominated by men and the male principle. We have to go back to pre-history to find the roots of feminine wisdom and power. Now, as we are entering the New Era, commonly known as the Aquarian Age, women are beginning to reconnect to their true feminine power. That power is very different from male power. Women have intuitive understanding that guides them to see the simplest solutions to problems that men often find impossible. This is not in anyway meant to demean men, but to help women come to embrace the beauty of their thinking processes, and hopefully, for men to come to rely more on the feminine aspects of their own problem solving process.

Women’s style is just right
There is also the issue of management styles. Women favour democratic, participative, interactional and relational styles. It’s a great generalisation, but mostly, women are better communicators - even across international barriers. They use their verbal skills to deal with emotions and act upon their emotions more consistently. Being an excellent communicator today is more important than ever before because of the shape of modern work and the modern workplace. With changing attitudes and proactive action by women, women power is on the rise.

Men and women continue to be confused about who they are and what their respective roles should be. Men feel they have to adopt a more sensitive persona to suit today's woman, while women privately complain about the lack of men with backbone. And women feel they have to adopt a very free-spirited attitude towards the physical side of life in order to prove they have thrown off the yoke of masculine repression, in order to assert their equality. Our inner voice whispers dignity, privacy, a desire to be appreciated for our inner beauty, a sense of self-respect.
The external pressures are strong. It takes courage to speak up. It takes that powerful sisterhood. All that's left are the other women, her female friends, that powerful sisterhood. Those girls who are also hurt and wounded by 'friendships with benefits' (whose?) and hook-ups. Those girls who have a strong sense of their own worth and won't allow someone to trample upon it. Those girls with a clear sense of morality and vision. Those girls with a sense of dignity who see "girls gone wild" not as an expression of liberation but as a further entrapment. Those girls who think 'waiting until you get married' is principled and beautiful, not old-fashioned and foolish. Those girls who find the alienation from self too psychically painful. And the reward too ephemeral. Those girls with self-esteem and confidence. Those girls who value the purity and privacy of their souls.
It's a confusing world out there. With so many conflicting messages, it requires introspection and self-awareness to be truly liberated, to be someone who dares to be different, who is a true non-conformist. Sisterhood is powerful. It can be used to destroy. And it can be used to reverse the tide of misguided and alienating behaviors. If women really want power, taking control of their identities and their relationships is a good place to start. (Today's most 'liberated' women are actually letting men dictate who they should be.) It's a big job. There is a lot of pressure the other way. But if we really believe in this feminine power, if we really want to arm our daughters to face the world, then we have to let them know they can do it, they can fight for what they believe in. And they can win, with their mothers right behind them cheering them on.
The Woman of Valor, Virtue and Wisdom

Our culture historically has held that women should be most powerful in traditional roles that foster the growth of others such as mothering, nursing, teaching, etc. Most positions of social and financial power are still held by men. Many women fear if they use the traditional power models which are hierarchical, self aggrandizing, controlling, dominating, and potentially destructive, they will be abandoned by friends and family, and frowned on by the culture at large. Most women would be more comfortable wielding power if they believed they were enhancing the power of other people while simultaneously increasing their own power. This mutually empowering model is not how the majority of the world has defined power.
Feminine Power
Women’s views and concepts of power have not been taken into account in most studies of power. It seems important that women keep examining a feminine definition of power that is collaborative, nurturing and affects positive change in self and others. Many women would prefer to feel powerless and inadequate than risk the consequences of being seen as selfish or dominating.
Fiscal Power
Many women believe they have power in their lives yet have no legitimate socially or economic power, leaving them vulnerable as they age. They become caught in unhealthy or even abusive relationships because they cannot independently support themselves. Women are also often the caregivers for husbands who become ill in later years. Then, when their husband passes, they are left with limited or no financial knowledge or resources for their remaining years.
Healthy Power
It is important that women recognize the need to use their natural powers as they grow and mature. We need to help each other to understand and create a cultural awareness of a new definition of power that is collaborative, mutually empowering and enhancing. This kind of power, used in the context of the culture and world, would look for win-win relational solutions rather than domineering and destructive interventions. As leaders women require a “competent self,” assertiveness and a willingness to speak up, a desire to create positive change, and a wide support network.

The point is ... women see things differently, do things differently and are affected by things differently than men. And another point is ... women see things differently. So they do things differently. Women deal with things differently than men. Today I put before you death and life. Choose life. Who is better in religion the prophet teaches in the Al-Quran than those who surrender their purpose to God while doing good to human kind. In fighting there is no wisdom. It is only fools that fight to win and make the other loose. Is there such a win-win consideration? If there is, the memorandum of peace will be the wisdom answer. But if it’s true all religions seek the God of life, it’s also true life giving, not death dealing, has always been the particular province of women. It is women that born the sons who are sent to war, its women who have buried the men on who their very lives are dependent. It is women who have been left alone. Babies in their arms. Babies in their bellies. To deal with a madness that comes from the madness of war. Indeed women have a place to fill and a stake to claim and a role to play in the world’s pursuit of peace. It’s time for women to take as much responsibility for maintaining the life of the world as they do for burying the life of the world. We must give our hearts to constructing the future, to speak of peace.
Helping you live the life you really wantHow different would your life be if you had the courage, determination and confidence to overcome your fears and self-doubt?

Would you take more risks? Create healthier relationships?
Would you feel happier if you could make better choices?
Many women today feel that their life is constantly in fast-forward mode –juggling careers, family and personal time. This hectic paced modern lifestyle leaves little or no time to focus on personal issues and growth. Some women truly do have more control over their lives—some gender roles have broken down and some women have more career and life options than in the past. Yet at the same time, the options for other women have not expanded. Domestic violence is still an unfortunate reality for women in all cultures, and women still make significantly less money than men in all cultures.
As women, we have the tendency to take care of everybody else before ourselves. I do. And those are what I used to do most of the time. Women often have dreams but sometimes hesitate to take action for fear of failure or because we just do not know where to begin. The goal of this article is to help myself… and more of other women out there to look at things in a different light - that it is alright for us to think of ourselves for a change, that it is important for us to dream BIG. This article is meant to help women discover the POWER within ourselves and use that POWER to acheive our DREAMS.

Life By Design: Promises to MyselfI don't know about you, but there are things that I want to do, and the only thing stopping me from doing them is the limitations that I place upon myself. We all dream of having the life that we want. We dream of pursuing our passions, following our hearts and being the woman we've always wanted to be, but those dreams don't have to be limited to huge plans of change. Those dreams can be promises to yourself - honoring yourself and your internal light. Here's a powerful quote that pulls it all together, "This life is Yours, Take the power to choose what you want to do." But can it really be that simple? Choosing to be happy, choosing to be whatever you want to be.
Life by design. What a concept!
But having the life you want doesn't happen all by itself. Think about it. Sitting back and doing nothing usually makes us miserable, guilty and frustrated about leading a stagnant, if not non-existent life. We already know that. And so, the obvious answer is that You have to participate in your own journey to get where it is you should be. It's all about believing in yourself, following your heart and living your dreams. I can go on and on. Change and the unknown can be scary, but there's no feeling like being scared and exhilarated at the same time
when you are in life and challenging all it has to offer.
Over the years I have come to learn this. Once, for years, I was afraid to step out of the paper bag that was my life - until I realized that I had to embrace myself, my life and all the changes that come with it. There is no point being afraid and taking a back seat because if all you are is afraid, then nothing but fear comes of it.
I had to want to look into the future and take myself there - not to be pulled along by the tide of circumstances, but to be an active participant in my own life. Once I started to embrace that concept, something powerful was realeased within me, and I made the connection that everything in this life, what you want to be, how you want people to see you, how far you can go, must come from within. To be empowered must come from within.
It was a change of attitude for me. Finding and believing in my own power and realizing that I could shape my own destiny. Sure, alot of times we have no control over things, but I do believe we have that inner power, core strength and faith that carries us along and allows us to follow through with our dreams and passions. Once we discover this power, and it can extend to many things, it's easier to embrace life. For me it was finding my woman power, and also embracing my own beauty within and without. It's true; beauty comes from within. Once I got it all together within, my own beauty was there for me to see in all its wonderful glory. It was there all along.
It works the same way with life. Once you realize that the power is within you to shape your life, you see the beauty in life and you want to embrace, challenge and explore it. Embrace. Challenge. Explore. I’ve read somewhere, that Margaret Sanger's words of saying "Women must not accept; she must challenge. She must reverence that woman in her which struggles for expression ..." echoes and reverberates through my entire body, reminding me to find new ways to expand my horizons and honor myself.
You can be the woman that you've always wanted to be. So this year, instead of the usual laundry list of resolutions, how about making promises to yourself to be that woman.
But having the life you want doesn't happen all by itself. Think about it. Sitting back and doing nothing usually makes us miserable, guilty and frustrated about leading a stagnant, if not non-existent life. We already know that. And so, the obvious answer is that You have to participate in your own journey to get where it is you should be. It's all about believing in yourself, following your heart and living your dreams. I can go on and on. Change and the unknown can be scary, but there's no feeling like being scared and exhilarated at the same time

Over the years I have come to learn this. Once, for years, I was afraid to step out of the paper bag that was my life - until I realized that I had to embrace myself, my life and all the changes that come with it. There is no point being afraid and taking a back seat because if all you are is afraid, then nothing but fear comes of it.
I had to want to look into the future and take myself there - not to be pulled along by the tide of circumstances, but to be an active participant in my own life. Once I started to embrace that concept, something powerful was realeased within me, and I made the connection that everything in this life, what you want to be, how you want people to see you, how far you can go, must come from within. To be empowered must come from within.
It was a change of attitude for me. Finding and believing in my own power and realizing that I could shape my own destiny. Sure, alot of times we have no control over things, but I do believe we have that inner power, core strength and faith that carries us along and allows us to follow through with our dreams and passions. Once we discover this power, and it can extend to many things, it's easier to embrace life. For me it was finding my woman power, and also embracing my own beauty within and without. It's true; beauty comes from within. Once I got it all together within, my own beauty was there for me to see in all its wonderful glory. It was there all along.
It works the same way with life. Once you realize that the power is within you to shape your life, you see the beauty in life and you want to embrace, challenge and explore it. Embrace. Challenge. Explore. I’ve read somewhere, that Margaret Sanger's words of saying "Women must not accept; she must challenge. She must reverence that woman in her which struggles for expression ..." echoes and reverberates through my entire body, reminding me to find new ways to expand my horizons and honor myself.
You can be the woman that you've always wanted to be. So this year, instead of the usual laundry list of resolutions, how about making promises to yourself to be that woman.
Life by Design.You can make it whatever you want.
Promise yourself to walk to the beat of your own drummer, dance to your own swan song.
Promise yourself to look in the mirror and see the woman staring back at you for who she is, and accept her for who she is--flaws and all.
Promise yourself to try something new this year...change something about yourself.
Promise to forgive yourself and give yourself a break when things don't work out.
Promise to cherish the woman inside and nurture her spirit...

Promise to make words like passions, inspirations, love, laughter part of your vocabulary.
Promise to find what you love to do and do it for the rest of your life and do it with the same zest as you did the first time.
Promise to never let age get in the way of making plans for tomorrow as tomorrow comes anyway regardless of how old you are...
Promise to advance a little each day in your ideals.
Promise to take the power that is within you and design your life.

Choose a colour for your life.
I thank God for giving me the opportunity to dreams...
I thank God for giving the strength to strive for the better...
I thank God for giving me the spirit of believeing in myself & what my dreams are for...
I thank God for all His Blessings....
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