I just received an email from a dear friend very early this morning. The content may looks like something humourous but the message is kinda deep into penetration of some lessons of life.
It may be positively or negatively translated by any of the individual but let just make it easy and crystal clear. And I would like to share it with you here.
Friendship is important in life...One can't just live on his own or by his own. Its always everyone will

need someone in his/her life. They are so called 'friend'. A friend to share and comfort your soul when you need one. A friend to talk to... and a friend who listen. A friend to share your joy and sadness with. A friend to share your laugh and tears. A friend who rest his/her shoulder for you to cry on and a friend who dare to tease you for a sweet smiles on your face. A friend can be from ayone in your entire list of crowd. Your parent can be your good friend. So as your other family members.. or any one who is ever close to you. What a miracle if your life partner is your most best friend you ever had which you willing to share almost everythings together. That shall be concluded as... you're never alone in this world.

Sharing ideas and opinions with each other is part of having a friendship. Holding different ideas is normal and these differences may lead to arguments. You may feel hurt, disappointed, angry, sad or lonely when you disagree with a friend. These feelings may make it difficult to manage the argument. But one must remember, working through a disagreement may make the friendship stronger.
So... my positive message here is...
Appreciate the good friends you have and all the effort they had taken to always
'stand by you' and 'support you'
So Have a good day :-)
To all my friends out there....
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