The blessings of Ramadhan & the celebration of Syawal

I'm glad I had a wonderful Ramadhan & Syawal this year. Being re-unite with my family members, parents & siblings is such a great joy and hapiness which we hope we all can see and appreciate. It has been almost a year I've been craving for mom's Ketupat and only on Syawal, mom will get it ready for my return on celebration of Syawal together.
Goshhh... Its been almost two months this blog didn't get its touch of updating. Not that I'm running out of articles to be shared but its the most precious time that need to be occupied with other priorities. Of coz.. work...work...and work... plus other main responsibilities as well along the line of life's journey. Especially in the month of Ramadhan. I will never get any chance for blogging to appeared in my mind at all so as many other much important things were in line to be performed at priority. Time is so much more precious during the month of Ramadhan. I will like to keep it that way. As for those who knows how important to be in the blessings of Ramadhan is will understand well.

Ramadhan had now past but Syawal is still in the air. Its kinda sad to be left by the blessing of the
month of Ramadhan where its the only one month in the cyclic year that we could felt so closed to God and being so much blessed by Him. Its the month full of forgiveness and most of the prayer being accepted. And now Syawal is the month of celebrating the victory of fighting the inner self negative's altitude strongly during the fasting month of Ramadhan. Its not only the month of celebration but the best part of it, is the time to keep the distance away. People all over are travelling everywhere back to their hometown to celebrate the Syawal with the family members all over. This is the time, to make the swayed away relationship, being kept close again. We visit one another, families and friends, and trying to keep the realtionship in groom again and to freshens up the dull and distant relationship and keep the interaction going on again. This is the time whereby most hands are shaken for forgiveness among us for all the beings and misconduct between us during the journey of life.

I seek most forgiveness from all who knows me... from far or near.

I seek most forgiveness from the great Creator & always pray for His blessing in my humble journey of life.

May God dispair my life longer to seek His blessings for next Ramadhan and Syawal.


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