Friendship is a wonderful bond, an enchanting chemistry between people, which feels like magic. A friend is someone who understands us, sticks by us and shares our feelings. Friendship is a type of interpersonal relationship that is found among humans. It is generally considered to be a closer personal relationship than an acquaintanceship, although there’s a range of 'degrees of intimacy' in both friends and acquaintances. For most people, there is an overlap between friends and acquaintances. Your friend is the man who knows all about you, and still likes you.

Friendship is the most important relationship in the emotional life of Humans and specially Women ....and is a person to whom one could securely entrust one's thoughts, who sticks by you through thick and thin and also to whom one feels closest. It is also a term used to denote co-operative and supportive behaviour between two or more people. It can be taken to mean a supportive relationship, which involves mutual knowledge, esteem, and affection.
True friends are actually a gift from above…

A friend is one the nicest thing you can have and one the best things you can be. He/She is someone who understands your past, believes in your future and accepts you today just the way you are. A friend is one who knows all about you and still loves you just the same. Friendship is the sheltering tree. A friend is someone who reaches for your hand and touches your heart. True friends are flowers in the garden of life. They help you up when you’re down.
The Meaning of Friendship…
When two individuals recognize that the other person is someone of good character, and they spend time with each other, engaged in activities that exercise their virtues, then they form one kind of friendship. If they are equally virtuous, their friendship is perfect. If, however, there is a large gap in their moral development (as between a parent and a small child, or between a husband and a wife), then although their relationship may be based on the other person's good character, it will be imperfect precisely because of their inequality.
True Friendship – Recognition…
How can we find true friendship in this often phony, temporary world? Friendship involves recognition or familiarity with another's personality. Friends often share likes and dislikes,
interests, pursuits, and passion. How can we recognize potential friendship? Signs include a mutual desire for companionship and perhaps a common bond of some kind. Beyond that, genuine friendship involves a shared sense of caring and concern, a desire to see one another grow and develop, and a hope for each other to succeed in all aspects of life. True friendship involves action: doing something for someone else while expecting nothing in return; sharing thoughts and feelings without fear of judgment or negative criticism.
True Friendship - Relationship, Trust, Accountability…
True friendship involves relationship. Those mutual attributes we mentioned above become the foundation in which recognition transpires into relationship. Many people say, "Oh, he's a good friend of mine," yet they never take time to spend time with that "good friend." Friendship takes time: time to get to know each other, time to build shared memories, time to invest in each other's growth.
Trust is essential to true friendship….
We all need someone with whom we can share our lives, thoughts, feelings, and frustrations. We need to be able to share our deepest secrets with someone, without worrying that those secrets will end up on the Internet the next day! Failing to be trustworthy with those intimate secrets can destroy a friendship in a hurry. Faithfulness and loyalty are key to true friendship. Without them, we often feel betrayed, left out, and lonely. In true friendship, there is no back biting/back stabbing, no negative thoughts, no turning away, and not in the intention of sharing bad destructive behaviour with you. True friends will always happy to make you happy.
True friendship requires certain accountability factors….
Real friends encourage one another and forgive one another where there has been an offence. Genuine friendship supports during times of struggle. Friends are dependable. In true friendship, unconditional love develops. We love our friends no matter what and we always want the best for our friends. Real and true friendship involves freedom of choice, accountability, truth, and forgiveness.
How can we find true friendship in this often phony, temporary world? Friendship involves recognition or familiarity with another's personality. Friends often share likes and dislikes,

True friendship involves relationship. Those mutual attributes we mentioned above become the foundation in which recognition transpires into relationship. Many people say, "Oh, he's a good friend of mine," yet they never take time to spend time with that "good friend." Friendship takes time: time to get to know each other, time to build shared memories, time to invest in each other's growth.
Trust is essential to true friendship….

We all need someone with whom we can share our lives, thoughts, feelings, and frustrations. We need to be able to share our deepest secrets with someone, without worrying that those secrets will end up on the Internet the next day! Failing to be trustworthy with those intimate secrets can destroy a friendship in a hurry. Faithfulness and loyalty are key to true friendship. Without them, we often feel betrayed, left out, and lonely. In true friendship, there is no back biting/back stabbing, no negative thoughts, no turning away, and not in the intention of sharing bad destructive behaviour with you. True friends will always happy to make you happy.

Real friends encourage one another and forgive one another where there has been an offence. Genuine friendship supports during times of struggle. Friends are dependable. In true friendship, unconditional love develops. We love our friends no matter what and we always want the best for our friends. Real and true friendship involves freedom of choice, accountability, truth, and forgiveness.

Genuine friendship loves for love's sake, not just for what it can get in return. True friendship is both challenging and exciting. It risks, it overlooks faults, and it loves unconditionally, but it also involves being truthful, even though it may hurt. A Friend is someone who drives away the clouds and brings a smile to our lives.
To be depressed is to be lonely; to have a friend is to be happy..."
Friendship and fun are complimentary to each other.
Friendship and fun are complimentary to each other.

True friendship is like sound health; the value of it is seldom known until it be lost
Nothing is beautiful for me than to have you... You are my true 'heart & soul' friend...forever..
Get to know who is realy your TRUE FRIEND!!!
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