Out of the Box is all about innovative thinking and creative solutions. Think "out of the box" to find new ways for us to learn more about ourselves through new experiences and developing new skills. And it is it is through the mix of skills and experiences of the principals that we can bring creative thinking to bear on problems, and find new solutions.
Explores new possibilities…

Yes, everybody is creative in his own way, but not everyone is able to flick that creative trigger within. Once we do find it though, we shall experience the power it gives us and the ability to find new possibilities and explore new options.
Understanding the box….
To 'think out of the box', one need to know what's in the box, how big it is and what thinking process that keep us in it before we are able to break out of it! By understanding our box, we can explore its boundries and discover that our box is most probably that limiting us in different ways. Some people think their box is 2 dimensional, others to think it's 3 dimensional. But what's the use of a box, if we don't even know how to open it?

There are different ways to be creative. Some are creative in finding solutions to their problems. Others are creative by coming around with our salary every month. Creativity always leads to new points of view and new perspectives. These will lead to major changes in our personal life and in our daily task or business! Well, are you willing to explore 'the box'? Most importantly, are you willing to break out of your box?
The box….virtual experience in linear time…
The box is our reality, a virtual experience in linear time and emotion created by the patterns of sacred geometry. Creation takes place outside of the box, consciousness grids, creating endless intertwined experiences to be played out in physical reality. In this case, 'Thinking Outside the Box' means viewing reality as patterns locked in time, encoded in our DNA through which we experience. When you think outside the box your consciousness moves beyond linear thinking.

Thinking outside the box is also a cliché or catchphrase used to refer to looking at a problem from a new perspective without preconceptions, sometimes called a process of lateral thought. The catchphrase has become widely used in business environments, especially by management consultants, and has spawned a number of advertising slogans. The first appearance of the phrase is obscure.
Kitchen for the Mind…
Some may say that there are nine elements under a vision and method in the success formula for "breaking out of the box" of non-creativity. In addition to a vision/mission, you must have a method to put it in action. The success formula elements are informed, involved, inspired, place, people, product, caring, cooperating, and creating. Maybe individuals are good encouraged to

And to that concept it will lead to a new leadership paradigm in which leadership is the ability to establish standards and manage a creative climate where people are self-motivated toward the mastery of long-term constructive goals in a participatory environment of mutual respect compatible with personal values."
Human capital… 
Those who can think out of the box – that is the type of human capital that we are urged and aimed to be. Even schools need to produce students who are not only literate but who can also think creatively and critically. There are many students who are educated and can read but not many who can think out of the box.” It is time to be out of box and get our mind creatively think in a different view and angles.

Those who can think out of the box – that is the type of human capital that we are urged and aimed to be. Even schools need to produce students who are not only literate but who can also think creatively and critically. There are many students who are educated and can read but not many who can think out of the box.” It is time to be out of box and get our mind creatively think in a different view and angles.
Break Through - Think Your Way Out of the Box
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Share to read more: http://www.innovationhabitude.com/Article_Outside_the_Box.html

but you will never know what's out there if you don't break out of it first!
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