Monday, May 26, 2008

Dare to Dream

What are our dreams? Are we ready to make them a reality?
dare to dream.....
dare to try.....
dare to fail.....
dare to succeed.....
Make a Heart that Never Breaks..
Make a Smile that never Fails...
Make a Touch That never Pains..
Make a frenship that never Ends...

ALLAH did not promise that life would be easy...
but HE did promise to go with us...
every step of our life...
with HIM by our side...

Reawakening the Power of You!We all want our lives to be more exciting and fulfilling. But only a few of us ever dare to follow our hearts, chase our dreams and embrace life with passion.

Life is all about change. There is a constant ebb and flow to life, much like the tides and the changing moon so are we. It is easy to forget all the changes as they happen when we view them as positive. We accept them whole heartedly and move on to the next excitedly. Doing our own thing is risky. We don’t want to risk failure - or worse, look silly. But, look around. The happiest people are those living their passion despite difficulties or fears. What kind of barrier or excuses do we use to keep ourselves from the life we really want to live? From what fears are we trying to save ourselves?

So many people have worked hard to make their dreams come true. They may have had to do a drastic thing like sell their house so they could travel the world. Some may have had to cut some of their spending drastically in order to quit their hated job and start their own business.

Passion is the energy, the enthusiasm, is the juice behind any dream.Imagine living the life we have always dreamed about - the career, the relationships, writing the book we have been putting off or adding fun and excitement back into our life. Remember we do not get what we want in life, we get what we are. In order to get what we want in life, we must first become that person that would have it - our thoughts, feelings and actions have to be in alignment with the good that we desire. Dare to give ourself permission to live the life we have only been dreaming of up to now. Don’t allow past mistakes to shape our destiny or our fears to hold us back. Our time is now! Seize the moment!

The positive changes are much easier to embrace and often easier to take for granted and forget. The ones we view as negative are quite often the ones we focus on and the place we get stuck. Remember whatever we focus on tends to expand. What would it take for us to get going and embrace our life more fully this year? What would it be like if we did?

This is OUR Time! JUST DO IT!It is all about living an awesome life. Lets close our eyes and to imagine ourself there, anything is possible. The chance to really let go and become who we are meant to be...
Let’s take ourself away for an adventure that we deserve- a chance to exhale and release whatever is holding us back from our true potential. This is our time to refresh and find the real champion inside! Learn the power of the mind and the ultimate power of our energy flows where attention goes!

Most people do not realize the importance of a dream. That's why we have a lot of people who are willing to settle for mediocrity and conformity before dreaming and risking failure. This fear based mentality is what keeps people from pursuing their dreams. There two theories that come to mind which was based on my former readings when trying to explain why people would settle for mediocrity and conformity.

The Theory of Carrot vs StickFirst is the theory of the carrot and the stick. People are motivated by one of two forces the act of avoiding pain (the stick) and the pursuit of pleasure (the carrot). This theory also states that most people the avoidance of pain is a stronger force than the pursuit of pleasure. So if faced with a choice they will almost always choose the avoidance of pain. Because sometimes the pursuit of pleasure involves some type of perceived pain, (change, lose of comfort level, etc.)
The Theory of Logic vs Emotion
The second theory is the theory of logic vs. emotion. When the logic and emotion are at odd, people will mostly decide based on emotion. So when we combine these what do we have? If we ask someone, if they wanted to be successful they would more then likely say yes (logical), but actually people don't want success. What they want is actually what the success can give them (the carrot).

But if we ask them why they are not successful, the excuses that we will get will either be based on to remain in they're comfort zone (emotion) and avoiding failure (the stick). If these very same people had a dream, something worthwhile will make them pursuing which then they would not be so quick to accept mediocrity and conformity.

What our dreams do for us.
Our dreams will empower us. When we have a dream, we will feel alive, vibrant full of energy. Dreams will help us to take on the world. Dreams give us courage. The bigger we make our dreams the smaller will be our fears and our adaptation to the obstacles. Dreams make us more receptive to opportunity. Because our subconscious mind filters information that we receive based on what our conscious mind decides is important, when we think about our dream, we open up our perception and reception to resources and opportunities that we never knew existed.

Our dreams will help us persevere. When things don't go our way (and there will be a time when they won't) and we take setbacks in the pursuit of our dreams (and we will). It will be our dream that will provide us with the fuel we need to keep going. Just decide that our dream will be bigger then any obstacle and we can move on. Whatever we can do or dream, we can begin it.
Boldness has genius, magic and power in it.

Dare to Dream Big!!!

Make a difference!Live Your Dream: Discover and Achieve Your Life Purpose
Turn Your Daydreams into Reality
Change is Inevitable, Growth Is Optional!
“We do not get to choose how we are going to die or when.
But we can only decide how we are going to live. NOW ”

Any woman can create something magnificent out of nothing when she has a dream!

I still remember one of my good wise friend (Hatta) saying: A man who nvr hv any Dreams are those person who are not ambitious enough and never have any objective or target in life.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Be the Peak Performer!!!

One of the wonderful by-products of high self-esteem is that you become a "Peak Performer."

Every day you become more aware of your abilities and recognize that opportunities to stretch your capabilities are limitless. You desire change, growth, and challenge, and a healthy self-esteem provides the energy.

Peak performers have more than goals, they have a vision of what their life will mean to themselves and others. Peak performers do not live in the future. Peak performers make sure each step taken in the present keeps them on the road toward their life goal.

Competence is a cause of effective performance, not a synonym for it. A competence can be defined as a particular internal sequence of modality events that characteristically produce a predictable behaviour or outcome.

Mostly, the difference that makes the difference is that peak performers persist in going for their high goals despite these moments of doubt. They manage to keep themselves going despite the internal and external objections to their continuation on the path. They manage to stay committed to their goals even when all the outside evidence (and even some of their inner voices) suggests it would be better for them to just quit.

If you want to be a true peak performer, you'd better prepare for the kind of massive doubt and frustration that would cause 999 out of 1000 people to give up - and justifiably resign from the task.

There are always more reasons not to go ahead. There are always more obstacles to be overcome - the biggest of which are internal barriers to high achievement.

Often it is just fear that defeats more people than any other single thing in the world.

What about the fear that you have taken the wrong path? What about the fear that you might waste a large part of your life building a castle in the sky? What about the fear that you will come up short? These must all be addressed and treated or they will continue to get in the way of your performance. But as important as they are, they are usually nowhere near as powerful as that nagging sense of doubt in your own ability, your own worthiness, and your own goodness. The nagging thought, "I'm not good enough". Or "I'm not good enough yet". The idea that something more is needed to make us be what we need to be. That once we become perfect then we can proceed. So far, I haven't met one person on the peak performance path without some challenges with self-doubt and the need to be perfect.

But for most truly worthwhile goals we need to proceed before we achieve perfection because waiting for perfection before commencing will mean we stay permanently inactive.

Fire up your motivation for superior results
We all strive to be good at something, because this leads to power... or love... or money... or recognition... or acceptance... or parental success... or career success... or relationship success... or health... or success in competitive games... or avoidance of hardships... or recreational fun... or avoidance of unpleasantness... or your personal legacy. Right?!

For peak performance – even if it is for something as seemingly mundane as exercising every morning – you begin with motivation. And that’s where we begin with the new Peak Performance Paraliminal.

Peak Performers Can Say:

1. I am motivated and have a mission with realistic and measurable goals.
2. I accept complete responsibility for everything I think, say, feel, and do.
3. I look for the window of opportunity in every situation and know that I will learn from every experience if I choose.
4. I always help others to do their best, and I encourage everyone to contribute something.
5. I correct my course when I reach an obstacle. This way, when things go wrong, I am still headed in the right direction.
6. I expect and appreciate change. It does not overwhelm me because I am prepared.
7. I stand up for my own opinions and values and respect others.
8. I am able to manage myself. I do not require instruction every step of the way.
9. I am not afraid of making mistakes or of taking reasonable risks.
10. I am my own coach. I engage in positive self-talk and rehearsal.
11. I am a life-long student. I am always ready to learn, and I know growth takes sustained effort.
12. I know myself well and still expect to find hidden talents, resources, strengths, weaknesses, energy, and interests.
13. I respect reality both pleasant and painful.
14. I engage in self-confrontation and do not blame others.
15. I readily forgive others and myself and correct mistakes when possible.
16. I am patient, kind, gentle, and compassionate with myself.
17. I have no need to prove I am better or worse than anybody else.

Support Systems for Peak Performance
The road to greatness is not a path one takes alone. Navigation requires the assistance of what is called a support system—a small group of very special people, in some cases just one person, who helps you stay the course during times when you have trouble doing it for yourself.
Sometimes is appears as if a champion is doing it all him or herself. I have yet to hear of a performer for which this was entirely the case. Somewhere along the way there is an aunt, a coach, a church representative, the memory of a lost friend, that fulfills this need. Many times these people go unnoticed—often they seek to avoid attention for their contribution, nor do they want it. That’s part of what makes them a true support system. Their interest and heart is in helping their loved ones push themselves to be the very best they can be.
It’s not really difficult to understand the concept behind support systems. The difficulty lies in separating a real support system from a host of people whose primary interest is safety and comfort. With good intentions and genuine care, the latter are easily mistaken for supporters. They are quick to lend a shoulder for crying; they welcome your frustration with open arms. False supporters are all ears when you want to complain about competition, obstacles, hardships, or just how unfair a shake it was that you received. But moments of discouragement, failure—and even moments of success—are often the times when you most need another person’s help getting back to a peak performance mindset. Real support systems find a way to help you do just that. False supporters allow you to hold onto sub-optimal thinking for long periods of time. They may think they are being supportive by listening or by letting you lean on them. In reality, they are letting you fall short on your commitment to thinking great.

Why this happens is, for the most part, a factor of these folk’s unwillingness to really go for it themselves. The don’t shoot for greatness because they are afraid of getting hurt or of losing some of their creature comforts. They’re into the safe route. And when they see a friend or family member hanging it out on the line, they get nervous. With all good intentions, they want to offer protection and shelter. Frankly, they are much more comfortable when they see a performer struggling and they offer to “make it alright.” That reality is much more akin to their own. But peak performance never comes from doing it the safe way. It comes from putting everything you’ve got into your dream, being willing to fall flat on your face and then getting up and doing it again. For that, you need supporters. And you need to be surrounding yourself with the kind that push you to keep great thinking on track.

Peak Performers has been at the forefront of helping organisations and their employees achieve accelerated growth through the mastery of Self. This is achieved through the exploration of the depths of human potential using validated personality and behavioural tools as well as through extensive research on the psyche of the human mind and how it relates to the body.

Be a peak performer!
I'm striving to be one...