Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Pancakes & Crêpes

It’s been two weeks passed now. Until today, I am still carving for PANCAKES. They are best served as a morning breakfast. In whatever toppings they had been furnished with, the most presentable are strawberries, honey, bananas, blueberries, chocolate melt or chips, whipped creams or even ice creams, they shall be so tempting and deliciously melt in the mouth as a nice meal.


A pancake is a thin, flatbread, round cake prepared from a batter, that is baked and cooked on a hot griddle or frying pan. Most pancakes are quick breads, which use a quick leavening agent such as baking powder, while some use a yeast-raised or fermented batter.

Typically, pancakes are cooked one side on a griddle and flipped partway through to cook the other side. Depending on the region, pancakes may be served at any time of day, with a variety of toppings or fillings including jam, chocolate chips, fruit, syrup or meat. They exist in several variations in many different local cuisines.

The pancakes are made with 100 percent whole-wheat flour and get an additional fiber boost from flaxseed meal.


Crêpes, as the word is French origin, is a type of very thin pancake, usually made from wheat flour or buckwheat flour. Crêpes are served with a variety of fillings, from the most simple with only sugar to elaborate savoury fillings.

Crêpes are made by pouring a thin liquid batter onto a hot frying pan or flat circular hot plate, often with a trace of butter on the pan's surface. The batter is spread evenly over the cooking surface of the pan or plate either by tilting the pan or by distributing the batter with an offset spatula. There are also specially designed crêpe makers with a heatable circular surface that can be dipped in the batter and quickly pulled out to produce an ideal thickness and evenness of cooking. A cooked crêpe is a very thin pancake.

Common savoury fillings for crêpes served for lunch or dinner are cheese, ham, and eggs, ratatouille, mushrooms and various meat products.

When sweet, they can be eaten as part of breakfast or as a dessert. They can be filled and topped with various sweet toppings, often including Nutella spread, preserves, sugar (granulated or powdered), maple syrup, lemon juice, whipped cream, fruit spreads, custard, and sliced soft fruits or confiture.

And.....I'm going to make myself a pancake now...or else... Crêpes also look so tempting...:-)

Manager vs Leaders

I was so happy to be hearing from my friend that she has been raised as a Manager recently in replacing her former superior who had to resign in order to follow her husband in migrating to Dubai. In the event of that, we had planned to celebrate the good news blastly over a nice dinner at her own choice of eating place that is Victoria Station. Well, the steak was nice and it was a fun time we had for 4 of us on that dinner. The dinner was actually fully on her. "It’s for the promotion," she said as she insists of settling the bills. We had a good time celebrating and congratulating her all night. And all we could see was her face was shine with smile till the end. Well, she deserves the raise after all. With most of all hard her time and effort were dedicated to her work, who says she’s not the right candidate.

Out of the dinner we had last nite, I really would like to share on this topic. What does ‘Managers’ mean?

A manager has to perform all five functions to achieve goals, i.e., Planning, Organizing, Staffing, Directing, and Controlling.

What is the difference between management and leadership? It is a question that has been asked more than once and also answered in different ways.

Many people, by the way, are both. They have management jobs, but they realize that you cannot buy hearts, especially to follow them down a difficult path, and so act as leaders too.

The biggest difference between managers and leaders is the way they motivate the people who work or follow them, and this sets the tone for most other aspects of what they do.

A leader is one who influences the behavior and work of others in group efforts towards achievement of specified goals in a given situation. On the other hand, manager can only be a true manager if he has got traits of leader in him. Manager at all levels are expected to be the leaders of work groups so that subordinates willingly carry instructions and accept their guidance. A person can be a leader by virtue of all qualities in him.

Managers have subordinates
By definition, managers have subordinates - unless their title is honorary and given as a mark of seniority, in which case the title is a misnomer and their power over others is other than formal authority.

Authoritarian, transactional style
Managers have a position of authority vested in them by the company, and their subordinates work for them and largely do as they are told. Management style is transactional, in that the manager tells the subordinate what to do, and the subordinate does this not because they are a blind robot, but because they have been promised a reward (at minimum their salary) for doing so.

Work focus
Managers are paid to get things done (they are subordinates too), often within tight constraints of time and money. They thus naturally pass on this work focus to their subordinates.

Seek comfort
An interesting research finding about managers is that they tend to come from stable home backgrounds and led relatively normal and comfortable lives. This leads them to be relatively risk-averse and they will seek to avoid conflict where possible. In terms of people, they generally like to run a 'happy ship'.

Leaders have followers
Leaders do not have subordinates - at least not when they are leading. Many organizational leaders do have subordinates, but only because they are also managers. But when they want to lead, they have to give up formal authoritarian control, because to lead is to have followers, and following is always a voluntary activity.

Charismatic, transformational style
Telling people what to do does not inspire them to follow you. You have to appeal to them, showing how following them will lead to their hearts' desire. They must want to follow you enough to stop what they are doing and perhaps walk into danger and situations that they would not normally consider risking.

Leaders with a stronger charisma find it easier to attract people to their cause. As a part of their persuasion they typically promise transformational benefits, such that their followers will not just receive extrinsic rewards but will somehow become better people.

People focus
Although many leaders have a charismatic style to some extent, this does not require a loud personality. They are always good with people, and quiet styles that give credit to others (and takes blame on themselves) are very effective at creating the loyalty that great leaders engender.

Although leaders are good with people, this does not mean they are friendly with them. In order to keep the mystique of leadership, they often retain a degree of separation and aloofness.

This does not mean that leaders do not pay attention to tasks - in fact they are often very achievement-focused. What they do realize, however, is the importance of enthusing others to work towards their vision.

Seek risk
In the same study that showed managers as risk-averse, leaders appeared as risk-seeking, although they are not blind thrill-seekers. When pursuing their vision, they consider it natural to encounter problems and hurdles that must be overcome along the way. They are thus comfortable with risk and will see routes that others avoid as potential opportunities for advantage and will happily break rules in order to get things done.

A surprising number of these leaders had some form of handicap in their lives which they had to overcome. Some had traumatic childhoods, some had problems such as dyslexia, others were shorter than average. This perhaps taught them the independence of mind that is needed to go out on a limb and not worry about what others are thinking about you.

Leaders and Managers can be compared on the following basis:

Basis Manager Leader

Origin A person becomes a manager by virtue of his position. A person becomes a leader on basis of his personal qualities.

Formal Rights Manager has got formal rights in an organization because of his status. Rights are not available to a leader.

Followers The subordinates are the followers of managers. The group of employees whom the leaders leads are his followers.

Functions A manager performs all five functions of management. Leader influences people to work willingly for group objectives.

Necessity A manager is very essential to a concern. A leader is required to create cordial relation between person working in and for organization.

Stability It is more stable. Leadership is temporary.

Mutual Relationship All managers are leaders. All leaders are not managers.

Accountability Manager is accountable for self and subordinates behaviour and performance. Leaders have no well defined accountability.

Concern A manager’s concern is organizational goals. A leader’s concern is group goals and member’s satisfaction.

Followers People follow manager by virtue of job description. People follow them on voluntary basis.

Role continuation A manager can continue in office till he performs his duties satisfactorily in congruence with organizational goals. A leader can maintain his position only through day to day wishes of followers.

Sanctions Manager has command over allocation and distribution of sanctions. A leader has command over different sanctions and related task records. These sanctions are essentially of informal nature.

Many can be Managers but how many do really have the charismatic essence in becoming a good leader. This question keep coming in when we are heading a unit or group of employees in a department of workplace. And how do our subordinates really sees us or in fact in the eye sight of our Superiors to evaluate us. As a Manager? Or as a Leader. I hope by sharing slight info in this topic can just trigger out our mind to see ourselves, at what potential do we carries in sitting our executive chairs.

Leadership versus Management is such a popular topic in the Management School. Since lots of information possible read anywhere in the net or various management books by popular authors, therefore I shall not elaborate more. It just something that cross my mind again and again, especially after coming back from our celebration dinner last night.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Monday blues...

What is the meaning of monday blues.........?

Monday can be miserable. It is the first day of the week;

Functionally, however, it has turned to be the first working day for many people if they are employees and students (unfortunately!). Monday morning feeling is the way people feel after the weekend (Saturday and Sunday) when they do not want to go to work or school and standed with that Monday morning feeling.

Blue was first use only as a color in English, and people started to associate it with many different emotions, meanings, memories, attitudes, etc.

→ So the meaning of MONDAY in English cuture is associated with such connotions as:

1. reluctancy
2. being late in guessing
3. the cooling of tempers
4. unwanted arrival
5. being mundane
6. failing

→ And the meaning of BLUE in English cuture is associated with such connotions as:
1. cold
2. wasting your efforts
3. being unexpected
4. being rare
5. annoyance
6. sadness
7. difficult life or bad luck in love
8. physical or unskilled work

To put all these together, we can define MONDAY BLUES as:
"The low-spirited, cool, annoyed, sad, unlucky mood of those workers, students, or employees who feel that a mundane, difficult, unexpected Weekday is arriving to force them into going back to work, killing their joys and annoying them."

All this was a discriptive approach. Prescriptively, however, I think we’d better look at Monday as a day to start:

1. feeling energetically,
2. working with high spirits,
3. helping others,
4. planning a successful day,
5. designing a fruitful week,

What Causes Early Morning Depression?
At some point in life, depression hits many people. But within the general realm of depression is an acute, more obscure condition--early morning depression, which occurs immediately after awaking in the morning. Some people claim to have no explanation, stating, "It comes from out of nowhere." Still, many have admitted to several underlying reasons.

How to Beat the Monday Morning Blues
There's actually a scientific explanation behind those dreaded Monday morning blues. Our internal clocks naturally operate on a day that is longer than 24 hours. By the time Monday rolls around each week, we've built up a sleep deficit of at least an hour. Of course, the weekend revelries and facing another work week don't help matters. Here are some tips to make Monday mornings a little easier

• If you can, sleep in an extra hour on Monday mornings. Going to bed early on Sunday night doesn't always help because most people will remain awake until their usual bedtime.

• If you can't sleep in by a full hour (and most of us can't), take action Sunday night to shorten your morning preparation time so that you can set the alarm for 15 minutes later than usual. Wash your hair, pack lunches, lay out your outfit or pack your briefcase on Sunday night.

• Hop out of bed the moment you wake up on Monday morning. Lingering in that downy comforter will only draw out the agony.

• End your shower with a jolt of cold water to tear yourself out of your grogginess. Or exercise in the morning to get your blood pumping and to release those feel-good endorphins.

• Get out in the sunlight. Bright light tells your body that it is indeed the morning and helps reset your internal clock.

• Drink coffee or another caffeine beverage. Although it's not healthy to drink caffeine to the point of addiction, caffeine, when used in moderation, can give your Monday mornings that much-needed oomph and alertness.

• Anticipate your Monday morning on Friday afternoon. Fight the temptation to race away from a messy desk. Clean up your desk and leave yourself a to-do list to make Monday morning a little more tolerable.

How to Combat Morning Depression
Visit your physician. Tell him all the symptoms you are experiencing and that you are feeling more depressed during the morning hours. He can prescribe one of many antidepressants to help your condition. It usually takes about two weeks for antidepressants to begin working, as you must maintain a certain level of these drugs in your body in order to feel results, and this is not achieved immediately.

Take your antidepressant exactly as prescribed and at the same time each day to reach appropriate blood serum levels only if necessary or by your doctor's prescription. Beat the depression feelings in your mind.

Buy a bottle of lavender essential oil at a health food store. It is believed that lavender oil naturally calms and relaxes the body, reducing stress, anxiety, and depression. Breathe in a small amount of this aroma, a few times throughout the day.

Avoid caffeine, alcohol and fatty foods, especially before going to bed at night. These are stimulants, which prevent a proper night's sleep and increase anxiety and depression.

Get at least 8 hours of sleep per night. During sleep, your body repairs damage and strengthens the immune system. Not getting enough sleep can make depression worse.

Talk therapy is recommended by many physicians for morning depression. Talking to a friend, relative, or therapist can help you determine what is causing your symptoms so that you may eliminate the problem.

Monday is the starter of the week and you start continuing to settle your work on what is left from the previous week. Making it a good start with a good mood is necessary or lese you may stay miserable the entire day. Hopefully some of the ideas shared above my work well for us on how to stay having a Monday smile even it may be not the sam smile that we may have on Friday (moving towards the weekend). But hopefully it will do and help us in pushing aways all the Monday Blues in us. 

So have a nice week ahead with a good MONDAY :-)

Friday, February 24, 2012

D'Lavender Suite: "A Sweet Escape".

D'Lavender Suite: "A Sweet Escape".

Lets go for a Picnic...

Today is already Friday. Looking forward for a good weekend tomorrow. And it's been a while I have a long thought of going for a picnic. Have even made this plan for a picnic several times before this but still can't get a good time for it. Hoping that this weekend to be the one.

Why do we go for a picnic?
Picnic is just a good event to spend time with either friends or family members and to enjoy with them the good time out of the busy schedule of life. It can also be a leisure activiries during our free time during the weekends. It is just a social gathering at which each participant generally brings food to be shared by a group of fashionable people for purposes of entertainment. Each member was expected to provide a share of the entertainment and of the refreshments, and this idea of mutual sharing or cooperation was fundamental to the original significance of the picnic. Later the word took on the additional meaning of an outdoor pleasure party.

An outdoor meal could be in a garden and as a picnic is concern it actually requires that we travel somewhere to eat. Wherever it is done, picnicking can be one of the supreme pleasures of outdoor life.

It is the pleasures of outdoor food are those the nature has to offer, as ephemeral as they are intense.

A bird will sing his song and fly away, leaves will flutter and jostle the sunlight for a brief second—sky, flowers, and scents have each their small parts to play in the perfect happiness of those enchanted moments and make the picnic a leisurely cheerful and stress relief moments.

Contemporarily, a picnic can be defined simply as a pleasure excursion at which a meal is eaten outdoors, ideally taking place in a beautiful landscape such as a park, beside a lake or with an interesting view and possibly at a public event such as before an open air theatre performance, and usually in summer.

Picnics are often family-oriented but can also be an intimate occasion between two people or a large get-together such as company picnics and social group picnics.

On romantic and family picnics a picnic basket and a blanket (to sit or recline on) are usually brought along. Outdoor games or some other form of entertainment are common at large picnics.

Some picnics are a potluck, an entertainment at which each person contributed some dish to a common table for all to share. When the picnic is not also a cookout, the food eaten is rarely hot, instead taking the form of deli sandwiches, finger food, fresh fruit, salad, simple snacks and accompanied by hot or cold soft drinks.

My picnic choice of location...
For this picnic plan of mine, I am still working out on a list of party names, foodlist and good choice of site. Various good sites has been shortlisted such as either in the gardens, in the park, by the lakeside, near the waterfall, at the hillside or maybe by the beach. Well either it is going to be a morning breakfast picnic, an evening affair or maybe a night beach picnic, that shall still be an options to make. For whatever  decission made, hoping that the picnic could bring me close to nature and please me as good to chase away the stress in me.


So... lets go for a picnic over the weekend :-)

And I hope by sharing these nice picnic scene pictures it will help me to decide my picnic site and theme and further inflence me by making me so tempting to have on my own.... PICNIC.